
Weekend Of Horrors, FANGORIA BLOOD DRIVE 2 Panel 9/24/2005

September 24, 2005

Fangoria Weekend of Horrors, Secaucus, NJ, September 24th, 2005 at the Crowne Plaza Meadowlands

Here’s a panel we were really looking forward to. The Fangoria Blood Drive Volume 2 panel. Why, you may ask? Well, not only are we friendly with a lot of the great filmmaker’s who are featured on this compilation, but their films happen to actually be really good!!! Seriously, I know a lot of you thought the original Blood Drive was just OK, but I can surely say that between We All Fall Down, Mainstream, and Means To An End, this collection will be worth checking out. Taking the stage from left to right – Paul Solet, Jake Hamilton, Erik Candiani, Adam Barnick, Brad Palmer and William Rot.

We were treated to clips from each of the films on the comp and then the filmmakers fielded questions from both the audience and each other. Paul Solet slowly started bleeding out mid-panel, first from his arm, then from his leg and finally from his head. This garnered much attention and laughter from the audience and panelists. Overall, a very entertaining panel from a slew of guys we except to hear a lot about in the future. Check out the Blood Drive: Volume 2 DVD on Oct. 4th and see for yourself!

*All photos by Robert V. Galluzzo and property of Icons Of