
Analog Love (2021)


Analog Love Movie Poster - blue background with a cassette tape falling and the words Analog Love in a pixelated font in white. There are two additional lines in white that say "A film about how we communicate through music" and "The art of the mixtape"

Do you remember sharing your feelings with someone through a “mix tape?” With the insights of Henry Rollins, Money Mark (Beastie Boys), Kim Shattuck (The Muffs), Jennifer Finch (L7), Jimmy Urine (Mindless Self Indulgence), Chantal Claret, Jude “Rude Jude” Angelini, Zernell Gillie (Grimy!), Mona Lisa Murray, Christian James Hand (The Session) and many more, Analog Love is a joyful look at why this ritual of communication through music still continues to be so meaningful.​

Buy the limited edition Blu-Ray HERE!

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